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How To Commission A Portrait

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Assistance in Commissioning a Portrait

The Procedure is quite different for painting a portrait of a person versus a pet. As such, I will describe each separately. Prices for original commissioned oil portraits range from $2,000 for a 16″x20″ pet portrait up to $25,000 for a large family portrait.

Call artist for specifics.

Pet Portraits

After an initial conversation with you about your special pet, we will decide which photo can be used as a prime source of the oil painting, and which supplemental photos can be used. After emailing the digital photo to me, as well as a deposit, I will start the painting in the agreed upon size – in oil, on canvas. As per our signed agreement, I will email the painting at various stages. At the completion of the painting – you will see the digital image, and will send a check for the balance of the amount – which will include shipping, if required. To view the process, see the pet portrait video Ben & Jazz.

Oil Portraits of People

First, artist and client/subject will meet and spend time getting to know each other and discussing the portrait. We will decide on the pose, colors, purpose, background, and where it will be hanging. Next, a photo will be taken by either the artist or by her professional Palm Beach Photographer. The painting will be painted in the classical museum quality manner – having 5 layers of paint. The client/subject will have 2 sittings. At the last meeting, there may be minor adjustments made. Final payment and sales tax are due at time of completion. The process will take from 2-3 months – allowing for each layer to dry, and the multilayered luminosity to be created.

Hi, this is Renee Plevy.
I’m looking forward to speaking with you. You’ll like that I’m running a special offer during Covid!

I’m available right now by clicking here to initiate a call, or if you prefer I can call you.